Free countdown timer

Each of us counts down the days until some event - vacation, exam, birthday, holiday, etc. You can use the calendar in the old fashioned way. But why, if there is already a special and very convenient service?
The remains of a sundial at the sites of primitive people speak of one thing - distant ancestors valued time and tried to follow its progress. It is not known when a person realized the irreplaceability of this resource, but for at least four thousand years mankind has been trying to create systems for calculating days and recording time.
Each ancient calendar reflected the agrarian, religious and political events of a particular time. Already the first calendars recorded important astronomical phenomena, such as the solstice. In ancient China, they were able to determine the length of the year - 365.25 days and the lunar month - 29.5 days. The Julian calendar was compiled in ancient Rome in 46 BC. By the 16th century, the discrepancy between the calendar and solar years reached ten days, then there was a transition to a more accurate Gregorian calendar with leap years.
In the recent past, there has been an urgent need for standard day numbering. The International Astronomical Union adopted the reference second and the Julian system for naming the days of the week. From now on, the standard day has 86,400 standard seconds, and the standard year has 365.25 standard days.
To measure time, there are clocks, alarms, stopwatches, timers, calendars, etc. We cannot imagine life without these devices. Their only drawback is the need to strain when you need to calculate how much time is left until a certain date. The countdown service solves this problem as well.
Interesting Facts
- In about 5.5 billion years, the Sun will reach the red giant stage and expand beyond Earth's current orbit. But even before that, the temperature will rise so much that life on Earth will become impossible.
- In 2024, SpaceX's rocket will travel to Mars. First, Elon Musk plans to launch a cargo ship, after which an astronaut will fly to the planet.
- According to UN forecasts, in 2025 the world's population will reach 8 billion. By 2050, the figure will be close to 10 billion.
- In 2026, the Sagrada Familia Cathedral (Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família) will be completed in Barcelona. Long-term construction has been built since 1883, the process slows down due to manual processing of each stone block.
- In 2038, the US Archives will uncover the mystery of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Information about the crime is classified, although Lee Harvey Oswald has been identified as the killer.
As you can see, we are waiting for the most interesting events that cannot be missed. Surely you also have personal dates that are no less noteworthy. You can customize the countdown for any important event.